Shalom Moreno – Toaff 1915 – 2015

The Foundation for Jewish culture “Elio Toaff”, in collaboration with the Jewish Community of Rome, presents:



Shalom Moreno!
Unpublished documents and private writings from Rav Toaff z’l


(selected and commented  documents and photos by Lia Toaff and Serena Di Nepi)


Through a selection of documents and photographic images, chosen within Toaff private archive and the Historical Archive of the Jewish Community of Rome, we wanted to recall the biography and work that Rabbi Emeritus Elio Toaff has done in over 50 years, as head of his community, with the aim of showing his role as a spiritual guide throughout the years of the difficult reconstruction of identity that followed the Second World War. We have chosen to make known not only the figure of a great scholar and the importance it had within the Jewish-Christian dialogue, but also some private events, those that are far from the spotlight, the small and large challenges of a community that has been committed to reinvent and find itself again.


Rav Toaff was a Great Scholar but, above all, a great man and a model Italian Jewish citizen. His commitment as a partisan, his attention to everyone’s  , Jews and non-Jews, everyday problems, his teaching on Judaism will always remain an unforgettable testimony.


01 May 2015 - 30 Sep 2015


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